Layihə haqqında:


Layihənin adı: PROMIG - Ali təhsil müəssisələrində miqrasiya təhsilinin təşviqi (573554-EPP-1-2016-1-GE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) Erasmus+ KA2 layihəsi 


Qrant qalibi / koordinator: Ivane Javakishvili Tibilisi State University (Gürcüstan)


Layihənin müddəti: 3 il (2016-2019)



Daha çox məlumat üçün website | [LINK]





Project is based on the already well established good practice of consortium member institutions working together in prior EC funded project under TEMPUS Programme (517002 - UNIMIG), which aimed at developing curriculum in migration management for 6 universities in South Caucasus region.


Since TEMPUS project has turned into a successful accomplishment consortium member institutions decided to expand geographical area of their activities and bring gained experience as well as good practice of making positive changes on the level of internationalization of higher educational institutions and building capacities in Afghanistan for Kabul and Tabesh Universities. In so doing consortium will - enhance curriculum development, deepen international relations capacity, improve the quality of education and teaching by adding migration related challenges faced by Afghanistan into the teaching schemes of partner country institutions and vice versa. These goals and aims will be in full compliance with the regional and national priorities being defined as such for partner country institutions.


Therefore using well established practice of establishment of MA programs in migration studies within south Caucasus region to enhance the development of the similar MA program in Afghanistan for ensuring that Afghanistan Universities are capable to offer curricula/education and research in the field of migration is identified as wider objective of the project.


Specific objective of the project is to bring MA program in Migration studies in two Universities in Afghanistan into operation for the very first time. In order to guarantee effective administration of MA program in migration studies the project will establish Migration Competence Centre able to became a hub of cooperation between academic, research and public institutions in the country and on International level.


There is a need for promoting academic discussion amongst MA Students as well as increasing visibility of Migration related research and education amongst representatives of diverse MA Programs.